Weekly Enlightenment 22-29 March 2020 | WHAT'S IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE?
When what we thought was important and valued is stripped away from us, we can see what we really value. We can see what’s really...
Weekly Enlightenment 29 March - 05 April 2020 | THE GREAT CHANGE!
This week we are entering a period of severe stormy weather. In my meditation this morning, I saw a weather map and I was told we are...
Weekly Enlightenment 15-22 March 2020 | EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IS CHANGING!
It's a new decade, a new world, a new life and yes, a new you!! We need to learn to live in a new way. We need to learn to think in a new...
Weekly Enlightenment 8-15 March 2020 | THE MOON'S ON STEROIDS
Wowsa we start this week on a supermoon. Remember a supermoon is like a full moon on steroids!!! The only way I can describe this energy...
Weekly Enlightenment 1-8 March 2020 | SHIT'S GETTING REAL
We have to learn how to control our minds to move through fear and anxiety and we are going to be truly tested in this area over the...