14-20 NOVEMBER 2021

We have 2 huge, fated events left this year, one this week and another on the 4th of December. Have you felt the energy building in the last few weeks? This is why! We have a Lunar Eclipse followed by a total solar eclipse, eclipse is like a full and new moon on steroids. They create huge waves of energy for us on earth that target certain areas of our lives and always create shifts and changes. The troubles that come due to an eclipse lead us to turning points that align us to spiritual awakens and higher paths to walk. A little like the beautiful calm clear energy after a storm. Think as the storm is brewing how it feels, then the storm hits, then the air after. A bit like the eclipse season, this storm lasts for 3 months though and the storm hits certain areas. For some, it's not so bad, for others it's shocking.
Everyone will feel this wave/storm hit, all stories will be different and dependent on our individual birth charts and lives, but no one will escape. The eclipse this week is in Taurus and it creates a shadow on the following areas for 100 days. - These are the general themes for everyone. Resources - Gas, Oil We have seen issues rising with gas and oil already and increases in prices. Food - Supply issues There can be issues with food supply, I feel like this has already started and I believe it will increase. Money - Inflation One big area is finances and our money. Remember my forecast for this year was to be careful and safe with your money, this is partly the reason. Things are shifting and we may need the pennies I warned you to save for a rainy day. Fertility - of earth and individuals. Fertility of the earth- what we grow, some farmers may be affected. Fertility of humans, I feel like there will be many issues of fertility coming in the future from choices that are made at this time.
I know that sounds a bit doom and gloom so now the positives! 1. Your intuition is going to be heightened - so please listen to your feelings - Your right. 2. Endings lead to the beginnings of amazing new things that can occur after this shift. 3. If a relationship ends, it's dead! This gives way for something new. 4. When your values are challenged you have an opportunity to reassess and redefine. 5. Our ego being kept in check makes us a better person. 6. There could be a resetting of your emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months. 7. We are being pushed to be honest, to have faith, and to have a strong sense of purpose. 8. We are being taught to stand up for our beliefs. 9. Our spiritual awareness is going to the next level. 10. We have the ability to access the deepest darkest areas of our subconscious, exposing them to eliminate fear and heal our past traumas. 11. Positive transformation and spiritual evolution are taking place.
So as crazy as this ride is, remember the positives, remember the changes we are going through are divinely driven, have faith in the process. You are never given more than you can handle and you are stronger than you think.
We are in this together and tribe we are the change. See you live online on Wednesday to prepare as best as we can. I will connect you with everything you need to grow through this. I love you, Sarah xxx
We have a new retreat on the Sunny Coast next year and a couple of spaces available - Awaken the magic 2022 will be epic.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Stay Optimistic
"Trust that what you desire is on it's way to you, even if you can't see it yet. Do not allow any fear-based thought patterns to sway your positivity. You attract the energy that you emanate so be positive." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.