Reach your potential this Spring Equinox
It’s September...
A new month, a new season…
It's 'Spring' if you are based, where I am in, in the southern hemisphere, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere it's going to be slightly different for you, coming into autumn. Here in Australia as we enter into spring there is a totally new, bright light and energy coming. I am loving it already, It feels really clear, really powerful and that's exciting. September is all about new beginnings, new life and new light. Exactly what we have been waiting for! Towards that last week of August some real old stuff came up to be cleared!!! And now here we are ready to go again. With some beautiful new,clear energy supporting us. Pay attention to your health and wellbeing now. It’s a new season so always on a change of the season we need to change what we consume. As we are coming into a lighter time, it's important to lighten your food. Spring is the time to become leaner, lighter. You will be less weighed down. This is a time to spring clean inside and out. Yes have that house clear out too. Make space for the new to enter. The energy is supporting detoxing and finding healthy routines, the weather is warming up and so are we! We are entering a time that is more balanced. Winter is over and things are literally getting lighter. The days are going to feel longer and brighter. The sun will rise earlier and so can we.
So this is a 9 in the 12 cycle

9 is a very worldly number .It’s quite sophisticated. It sits apart from the rest mathematically. It’s a powerful number. 9 carries a lot of really big energy. This 9 month is supporting us totally with all that we have been working on. CREATION and being LIMITLESS This September I want you to really focus on,global. I want you to take your energy bigger, be limitless in your creation and your new beginnings Be grand, feel grand, expand more. Astrologically this month we have a full moon in Pisces coming up on September 6th. You may feel more intuitive than normal. The 6th is a good day to sit down and do some writing, take some time out of your regular routine, step a little into your imagination. Whats hiding there ? There is the potential that what you have been working on can begin to come into alignment this month. 9/9 is a special date to mark in your diary. As the number nine can be quite emotional and spiritual, see how you feel on this date, just make a note and observe. I always love these double digit numerology days. 20th of September is our new moon and boom we have a super Virgo new moon. Heaps of planets in Virgo at this time. If you know Virgo, you know ...they’re quite particular, its dates, its facts, it’s detail. With all this energy around its a great time to improve your systems , your schedules, and put attention to detail, it's going to really serve you. How can you perform better ?Do that ...! On the 21st or 22nd of September we have our annual Spring Equinox. I always love to work on these equinox key dates. Equinox means equal day and night and the date marks officially the new season.

Celebrated through the Centuries...
The equinox time has been celebrated for many many centuries and in many different cultures. I love tuning into these Powerful times to harness the energy available. I have chosen to run my month events around this equinox. If you aren't able to make an event I ask that you hold positive thought and intension on these key dates. Hold your visions this month. What does the new you you looks like? You are the Creator, what are you creating? Note down the specific dates of importance I have given you this month and tune into the available energy. Remember this is a month of ... New life, Thinking big - Abundance, Creation, we are in 9 it’s big, it's global. Celebrate this new season as it comes in. Welcome The Spring and all its changes , plant the new seeds in your mental field, also on the physical if you can. Nurture these shifts and this time. Love Always, Sarah xXx
Spring Equinox Alignment (Meditation)
I want to take your energy higher, so you can be limitless in your creation and your new beginnings. Join the growing groups of like minded light souls...
September Rituals
Want to make the most of this energetic time? Want to live every day, light ? These easy action daily rituals will enable you to achieve your Equinox Goals I WANT TO PRACTISE...
Craving a reset, an awakening and enlightenment into your higher purpose? I NEED TO KNOW MORE....