Weekly Enlightenment 12-19 July 2020 | THE OPTIMIST

Tribe, nothing is set in stone right now. The energy is super erratic and intense, our cosmic environment has harsh alignments. Our environment is transforming. We are changing at the core, inside out. As humans we like to be in control, but that's impossible right now. That's what this time is all about. Change, letting go of control, trusting and healing and moving into our true authentic self. Changing the old outdated ways and forming a new world and ways. All of the above can cause confusion and fear, which in turn can cause negativity and pessimism. And that is not the way we need to go, going forward. More than ever we need to be optimistic, see the positives in all of this, in everything. You get to choose which way you go.
Come from your heart and not your ego You don't need to be right, Let it go, Act, don't react, Find the positives in everything, See through the weirdness, It's all about give and take. Stay open Communicate Adapt Accept Adjust
Change is as good as a holiday - Proverb
Have a chilled week, look after you. Self care is top of the list this week. What can you do to look after and nurture you? Love you, Sarah xXx

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"If you don't look after you, no one else will. Please look after you. What does self-care mean to you? Do something today to care for you!:"
If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.