July Is About to Get Super Interesting
16 - 22 JULY 2023

Are you ready to rock n roll???
What a week coming up - July is about to get super interesting.
This week, we have so much activity in the cosmos with massive shifts and monumental changes. It may feel a little unsettling if we are not aware of what's happening.
We start the week with a new moon in Cancer. On the same day, the lunar nodes change signs - this happens every 18 months - it's a biggie. Venus goes retro another biggie and we walk into Leo season. Hear me when I say buckle up things are about to get interesting.

We may need our tissues for the new moon in Cancer, there is so much new energy coming in that some old stuff will need to leave. Emotions will be heightened and the vibe feels fragile. Stay open and vulnerable through this moon even when it feels uncomfortable and I promise the rewards will be amazing, deep emotional healing, and massive emotional breakthroughs.
I will support you live online under this new moon.
The lunar nodes changing on the same day as the new moon will change the theme of the next 18 months of eclipses. I will talk more about this as we approach eclipse season but just know our eclipse lessons, tests, and opportunities have now changed signs bringing in a whole new classroom to explore.
We will be expected to step up in new and powerful ways.
Please don't worry, we have been in training for this time. Transformation is beginning to feel like our middle name :) Venus stations retro in Leo mid-week until September, get ready for all things love, relationship, money, and our values to surface. Issues will have the time and space to be dealt with so that we can understand our hearts' desires on a deeper than-ever level of awareness. We will do some work around this shift over the next few weeks.
Leo season begins on the weekend, put the tissues away, and let's head to the dance floor.
Boom shaka laka what a week fam bam!!! In fact, what a life!!!
Notes from me right now

One life let's live it on purpose
Have an amazing week.
Love you,
Sarah xXx
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"You are the Universe in ecstatic motion - remember you are amazing and perfect. You are worthy of your biggest dreams and more." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.