Time to Ride the Dragon

Welcome to a week that brings next-level endings and new beginnings.
We end the year of the rabbit and move into the year of the dragon. It feels so much more exciting already, I mean I would much rather hang out with a dragon for a year than a rabbit.
I feel like we need to get ready for this crazy dragon ride, it will take us to places we are not expecting but need to visit. We are all going to have to start looking at the big picture of life to help us get through some of the day-to-day.Â

We are in the Aquarius season now and have a new moon in Aquarius on Friday just as we walk into the new lunar year. This is a time we can set new intentions and plant new seeds of desire. There is some beautiful healing energy around that we will need to tune into to combat the erratic quite disrupted energy that is also hanging around.
The theme of endings and beginnings feels like it's on rapid repeat these days and for many of us the nervous system is beginning to be affected.Â
You really do need to look after yourself right now. Be gentle and kind with yourself. Find the calm in the storm. Allow healing to happen. Create space for the new. Set some new intentions.Â
Phrase of the week-Â
Out with the old in with the new.Â
Question of the week-Â
How can I do this differently?Â
Work of the week-Â
I have a live session this week, can't tell you how excited I am to ride this Dragon with you all. I have so much to share with you of what I can see and I know the divine has so much energy to share with us. Feel like we all totally need this connection more than ever these days.Â
Love you,
Sarah xXx
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"If you don't look after you, no one else will. Please look after you. What does self-care mean to you? Do something today to care for you!" If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.