Darling April

How lovely to see you, now be a good girl and sit still, be quiet and kind and gentle... PLEASE? Hummm... she kind of will... don't stress tribe. April is definitely calmer than the aggressive MARCH was just a few things we need to be aware of. Venus is still in retrograde until the middle of the month, relationships are the focus here and there are huge relationship cleansings happening. Just remember these are all for your highest good, although it may feel very confusing and painful at times. The full moon falls on April 11th and it’s in Libra. Lucky Jupiter supports this Libra full moon and its focus on abundance and activating generosity. There will be lots of inspiration and confidence forming now for the future. I have chosen to work around this full moon as I feel it's going to be a really productive energy for everyone to tune in to... bring on the abundance in every way I say! Monday 10th I will connect in Brisbane for the energy and meditation night preparing for this full moon. Tuesday 11th I will be on the Sunshine Coast for the energy and meditation evening right under this full moon. The new moon falls on April 26th this is a lovely time to nurture and pamper yourself. Venus is now in recovery and may be its recovery all round. April is the last month of this weird energy that has been hanging around for too long. My advice - watch your direction, make sure you are making choices that support your values. Pay attention to your long-term goals. Make sure your on the right track as next month, May arrives and life kicks off. We will then be in the best energy part of this year. Love Always, Sarah xXx
April dates to remember:
4th April Kids Mindful Meditation Classes + Womens Sista Circle!

10th April Brisbane + 11th April Sunny Coast

May dates to remember
First Tuesday of the month: Child Light Classes + Womens Group Sista Circle!
Brisbane "full moon" May 11th
sunshine coast "new moon" May25th

European Tour Dates
Ibiza July 26th
Mykonos 8-8

Bali Baby!!
Interest is coming in fast for the retreat. There are limited places so please let me know if you want to join me. Click here for more info!