August - Best Month So Far - Here's Why...!

Boom !!!
What a massive month August will be...
Some are calling August the BEST month of the year... Here's why... We have heaps of planetary activity creating some amazing energy and some real opportunity is FINALLY here, if you want it ? And...If you're brave enough to step out of old patterns (that are totally out worn and don’t serve you anyway). Yes time to let go of the old security blankets that you have outgrown and take all opportunities as they arrive.This is a month of re-direction and making dreams come true. PLEASE DON’T WASTE THIS ENERGY…
Trust and walk in strength, freedom and the newness of the world you are creating. Its time..
We have some big dates this month:
On the 8/8 We have a full moon, partial lunar eclipse all in conjunction with the 8/8 opening of the lions gateway… This is going to be huge.
You will feel this shift beginning on the 7/8 .
Its time to let go of the old, the past, its about being honest with yourself and others and walking as your true authentic self.
Old meets new weither you like it or not.
Then the opening of the gateway… this is leading you into
A NEW LEVEL OF EVOLUTION... If your ready.
There is an opportunity here to reboot the system and begin the new cycle with more clarity and purpose and a deeper connection to the divine.
Its truely an amazing time for all.
Then we have 21/22nd new moon eclipse, yes you guessed it eclipse season is here again. This is probably the most dramatic lunation of the whole year. Its really Bold energy. No messing now. Long term goals will progress as you let go of the past. Its going to be a pretty chaotic time but super exciting and you should feel buzzing with the newness. The reboot has happened and no going back…
From August 22nd to 5th September you are in some of the best energy you have probably ever experienced !!!!
Enjoy the adventure Tribe xxx
Dates to remember …
I'm in Europe until 16th August.
Mykonos - Greece: 5th- 9th August
Private sessions available on 6th/7th/8th
Email or through Facebook to make bookings.
8th August Meditation and Energy Night
All details on Facebook at events - Cant wait for this gateway to open.
London - UK: 9th - 12th August
Private sessions available on 9th/10th/11th
Email or through facebook to make bookings.
Australia - 17th August
Im back working from the studio at Forest Glen on the Sunshine Coast on 17th taking private session.
Email me if you want to make a booking. Monthly Meditation and Energy Sessions
Sunshine Coast - Tuesday 22nd New moon Eclipse
Brisbane - Wednesday 23rd New Moon Eclipse

Please note there No chrildrens or Womens Group's in August
September Dates -
5th September children’s meditation
5th September Sistar circle
21st Brisbane Spring Equinox - Energy and Meditation evening
22nd Sunshine coast Spring Equinox - Energy and Meditation evening
BALI SACRED RETREAT OCTOBER is coming round so quickly and is the time of our Bali Retreat
Yes come and RE -TREAT with me on the magical island of Bali.
There are still a few spaces available, email me your interest and I will send out more details.
This is a journey of your mind body and soul. A journey of a lifetime.
Come and spend 7 days and nights with me and let me guide you on a sacred path that will connect you to what I call the devine … Its time…You deserve this. There are no words for where we are going …come with me ! Enjoy this powerful month, Appreciate all that you are and all that you are becoming. I look forward to seeing you soon,
Love always,
Sarah xXx