Energy Enlightenment 10.7.2017
What a buld up last week to the full huge full moon that peeked last night ...The energy shook even the most grounded,dont stress, over the next few days the energy will start to settle again.
Are you learning to ride with these waves yet ?
Were you the calm in the chaos ?
look at what emotions came up for you over the last week ...this full moon was pretty intense emotionally. Our lessons at present are to try not to engage and get caught up in what is out of your control. Emotions can get out of control if you let them. To try and stay out of judjment, just to be the observer. Right - wrong, good -bad, all just our personal opinions. The Systems, the politics, old ways ....not even worth looking at really. Unfair ? Unjust ? Not ok ? Some things are worth fighting for ... other things ... not worth your energy ! So please pick your battles wisly. My Advise : Just keep walking with out distraction. If one door closes move to the next We have no time to waste on this amazing life journey. Know that things are changing on many levels even if you can't see , be focused on your desires and goals. So,this week ? What's the plan ? How is your thinking in alignment with what you want to create ? Be calm, get grounded and just be, and in that moment you will feel the light , the magic in the air right now ... Feels like opportunity is knocking If you let it .... Life is an adventure or a sentance, your choice. See the light in everything,its always there. So much going on ... Up down round and round The contrast of this life Your job ...Flow with it
Love always
Sarah xXx