Weekly Enlightenment 11.9.17

Wowsa another big week a head of us!
Its really busy times right now, things are not going to slow down or stop. There is so much to do, You may feel like you want to get off the ride sometimes…But you can’t, You know that would just create more chaos.
So, what to do this week…
Be practical, organised and focused on where you are going.
Look forward, not behind you or down.
Look after your physical body so you feel strong on all levels.
Don’t get consumed by the small irritations.
Don’t get wrapped up in any old victim or martyr roles.
Have faith that you are walking each step towards all you desire.
Be confident you can have it all.
Remember its a journey.
Be courageous in your decisions.
Stay calm and grounded.
Remember, spring is here. New beginnings and opportunities.
This really is the time to
Don’t waste this time, the calm will come once again and when it does won’t it feel great to then sit back in your new creations?
Love and blessings,
Sarah XXX