Weekly Enlightenment 4.12.17

How nice does it feel,
All that heavy heavy energy has gone.
There is a lightness in the air…An easiness.
So, not much to say this week other than have a great week, enjoy the shift in the energy.
Yes, we have lots going on, yes, we have lots to do but it’s all ok…In fact it’s all great.
So many new doorways are open now.
You know you can live your dreams.
You know you are limitless.
HAVE FUN…..GO FOR IT ( whatever ‘it’ is for you)
We have a massive full moon tonight, it’s the last of the year and a super moon. Let go of anything and everything that you need to.
I would recommend going out and spending some time under this super moon, its energy is beautiful very ‘freeing’.
Mercury is retrograding from today, communications may go a bit upside down, just blame mercury.
Watch the December Facebook live Report to hear what’s happening in detail this month,
Love Love Love ,
Sarah xXx