Weekly Enlightenment 24.12.17
Happy Holidays to you and if you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very merry Christmas.
This energy this week is very much like the Santa Story …
So, stay positive this week, keep looking forward, stay in the energy of creation.
This is the last week of 2017 enjoy it.
Be grateful to all that this year taught you about yourself, others, life…. Remember we are here to learn.
How you learn is totally up to you these days though. You can learn through love or pain, you choose.
Wrap up anything this week that you need to.
Let’s walk in to the new year in freedom and with clear intension.
Next week is another big one. We start the new year with a bang and a super moon on the 2nd.
Can’t wait to let you know what I’m feeling already about next year!
For those on the sunshine coast I will see you for our Energy Alignment on the 2nd we are so going to tune in to this super moon. It’s the biggest moon in the of whole of 2018!!!
No facebook live this week, but I will be live next sunday 31st for my monthly forecast and a look at 2018, hope you will join me.
Sending you much love, light and many blessings,
Sarah xXx