Weekly Enlightenment | 17-24 November 2019
✨ Weekly Enlightenment ✨

Who cares what other people think…They are not living your life.
It’s time to really own who you are and start standing and walking your truth.
It’s time to set yourself free, walk the way you want to walk.
It’s time to be YOU, face your fears and rise and shine.
2020 is just weeks away and it’s a year to be authentic, to be the real, raw you.
It is also time to allow others to be themselves.
Free yourself and just be you.
Free and allow others the space to be themselves.
Ask yourself this week
Do you except yourself? Are you being honest with yourself? Are you allowing yourself to be the real you? Can you except every one for who they are? Can you be ok with other peoples choices? Are you walking in the direction of your desires? Are you worried about what others think of you?
Have a wonderful week.
Love Sarah xXxXx

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Divine Timing
"Everything happens in perfect timing. Remember the universe has a better plan for you than you could ever conceive. Trust things will fall into place exactly when they are supposed to."
If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.