Weekly Enlightenment 17-24 May 2020 | LET'S TALK ABOUT IT
Communication is everything. There has been so much chaos, confusion and change in the last few months. Some days just taking a breath was a challenge. We are adapting much better now to the current constant changing environment. Things seem to be clearer and now it’s time to go home and talk.

Where are you at?
What’s bothering you?
What’s making you happy?
Where are you going?
What’s the plan now?
What’s the future vision?
It's time to talk it out of your mind, say it how it is and talk with total honesty and transparency.
Real raw and authentic baby!
We need to work through some things, find solutions not problems to move forward.
We must find a way we can all be happy.
It's all about understanding, balance and being compassionate.
We need to see the big picture, see from all angles of the picture.
We must step up now.
Its time to grow up,
We can all have it all, we can find new ways, but we might just have to evolve to get there.
We might just have to talk about it.
Have a great week,
Lots of love,
Sarah xXx

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"Everything happens in perfect timing. Remember the Universe has a better plan for you than you could ever conceive. Trust things will fall into place exactly when they are supposed to."
If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.