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20-26 JUN 2021

There are heaps of things to be aware of happening in our cosmic environment this week. Remember knowledge is power and to be aware is to be awake. When we know the upcoming weather forecast we can be prepare and enjoy the sun without getting burnt and enjoy the rain without getting wet.

We start the week with the solstice, we then move into Cancer season, and then a super moon in Capricorn. Venus, Jupiter and Mercury all have significant alignments, this means waves of energy will roll on to earth and through us, how we handle and ride the waves is up to us, could be an amazing surf or could be a big dump.

Depending on where you are in the world you either start this week with the summer or winter

solstice, the longest or the shortest day of the year. The Solstice is considered a super magical time where the veil between worlds is thin and our connection to mother earth is deepened. I suggest wherever you are, on this beautiful day, spend time in nature and connect to the magical, healing, harmonious energies that are present.

This Cancer Season feels soft and gentle, thank goodness after that eclipse season. A nourishing time where we can slow down a little and focus on our relationships. We have the opportunity to work on healthier family connections and work on our home environment, this will create more harmony in our lives if this has been lacking.

We end the week with a super full moon in Capricorn we can use this alignment to get earthy and super grounded. This can help us to feel more stable than we have felt for a long time and more focused. I'm loving the shadow of this super moon as creates some real magic with Jupiter. We will be tuning in to this on Monday 28th with our live meditation session. I believe there are some gifts awaiting us and very deserved. We just have to go get them :)

So it's a big week tribe but not a hectic one, the energy feels like it's shifted and we are now in a more gentle and supportive place.

I advise balancing-

Work and play,

Rest and active,

Meditating and grounding,

Giving and receiving,

Love you,

Sarah xXx



Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"What is out of balance in your life? It's time to get back into balance. You know what needs to shift." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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