Change Is Coming
21 - 27 AUGUST 2022

Hey Tribe,
This week we are saying goodbye to Leo season and hello to Virgo season. Each season comes with a list of expectations and a new vibe. This new season comes in like... Ok ok, the party is over, light on, windows open and let's do a real big tidy-up.
Time to lay off the toxins and get back into some healthy habits. Time to look at who you're hanging with and the state of your relationships. This whole season is what I'm seeing as BIG preparations for the last few months of the year. We don't need to be too perfectionist during this season but we can call on that serious Virgo vibe to keep us accountable, focussed, and on track. Get ready to make space for new and exciting new chapters in your book of life.
Healthy is the word of the season and I want you to look at many aspects of your life and determine how healthy they are and make changes as and where needed.

This is the perfect season to look at in-depth your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. It's a time to honour your body as a temple and your energy as sacred. This week take a look at your emotional health in regards to your relationships with others and yourself.
Are your relationships co-dependent, interdependent, or healthy?
Codependency is an unequal partnership that puts one person above the other.
Interdependency requires both people to be able to operate autonomously.
In healthy relationships, couples will feel closely attached and intertwined, but still capable of making their own decisions.
How healthy is your relationship with yourself?
Are you treating your body like a sacred temple?
How is that inner critic talking to you?
Time to be real, honest, and accountable, time to value yourself and step up into your worth. Time to honour you and put yourself at the top of the list.
We have some work to do this season tribe, Working together is always more fun and more powerful than working alone!
Love you,
Sarah xxx
Tune in with me live online as the sun and moon move into Virgo and we align with the power, support, and strength we need at the pivotal time.
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Time Out
"Take some time out for you today. Do something that you enjoy. You are so special and deserve some time out to look out after you." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.