Happy New Year To You, White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits- All for good luck! What a whopper month we start this year with…Tribe this is the biggest month of the whole year!!!! Why …Well we have… January 2nd - Full moon Actually a SUPER MOON – Probably the biggest moon of the year - in emotional cancer and stable Capricorn. January 3RD and 4th – Quadrantids meteor shower – We all feel this energetically, as we do share the same universe. 31st January- - Full moon- SUPERMOON – Nearly Blue moon occurs once every 19 years. 31st January- - Total Lunar Eclipse- Get grounded this could get looney. That’s pretty intense energy, 2 super moons and a total lunar eclipse kicking off the beginning of an early eclipse season. BANG.. Hello 2018! Most years we start in 1st gear and work our way through the gears…This year we start the year in 4th gear….! And that will be the way this year rolls. So get used to the new, right from the start and this year will be exciting, rather than a whirlwind. This year is BIG it’s a 2 and an 11. It has dual aspects, It’s a master year. This is a year to rise up and create and manifest on that next level. The questions now are… Who and what do you want to be? What direction are you going? Will you rise up, be your true self, free from fear and insecurity? What will you create? What goals will you reach? You are in total control and only emotions could hold you back now, if you allow them. Note the energy may not always be easy, but …on the other side is everything you want! So in my eyes this is an amazing year and one that we will remember for a long time to come. Guys, this year...Its a life changer...And it all begins in January. EXCITED??? I AM. Yes JANUARY 2018, Your rock all ready. So in all the excitement, today marks the launch of my online Consciously Creating pack. CONSCIOUSLY CREATING 2018 This is a workbook to complete at home in your own time that will get you in the right head space to really create this year with clarity and purpose. I share techniques I use to reach my goals. There are some great meditations downloads too, fuelled with my energy. So good to use to stay in alignment when you can’t make the events. You will know if it feels right to you to do this work. For January, I have reduced the price to $49 (half price) so that everyone has the opportunity to purchase if they desire. I hope you enjoy. January Energy Alignment Events This month I will be.... 2nd January – Sunshine Coast 9th January – Brisbane 16th January – Sydney 23rd January – Melbourne
I also have bookings available for private sessions in each city. Private Bookings here. There is also Skype/ face time bookings available for those international clients and who can't make a city. Skype Bookings here. And by June I'm sure we will all be needing a re-treat. So perfect time for our week in Bali together. Places are limited so early booking is recommended. Bali Retreat What a massive month…A massive year...A massive life…If you want it to be.. and you let it be.