3 - 9 OCTOBER 2021
Welcome October,
We have been waiting for you to arrive and mix things up.
If you have been feeling a bit stuck, frustrated, and uptight, hold tight it's all about to change. Every day going forward now we will feel like we are gaining some momentum in moving forward - FINALLY.
Please note we have had like 9 planets in retro (moving backwards) we could never feel like we were moving forward with those alignments in the cosmos. In fact, that's why we felt so tired and unsure which way to go and what to do.
Compromise, collaboration and clarity are the words and feels of this month.
This week -
This biggest influence this week, although there are a few, is the new moon in Libra and it's a pretty gnarly one if we are not aware and careful due to its placement.
My Advice this week:
1. Remember there is some heated tension in the cosmo-
2. Be Careful of destructive behaviour
3. Use physical exercise to release your anger and frustration
4. Use self-control when needed
5. Stay consciously aware
6. Breath consciously
You can use the pressure this week to push you forward in really constructive ways. Remember we can turn everything to our advantage and make it work for us.
Join me on the 6th for our live online session where we will be working under this new moon. Let's tune in to the positive potential of this moon and use the energy to elevate us into new potentials and opportunities.
When the going gets tuff the tuff get going :)
Love you,
Sarah xXx
Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Play Music
"Play some music today that lights up your soul. Music has the ability to change the way we feel in a moment. Put on your favourite happy song, sing, and dance along." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.