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New Moon Magic

11-17 April 2021

We start this week with the most amazing new moon.

Get ready to feel some super positive energy, courage, sexiness, and good fortune.

I feel like this is one of the best weeks of the whole year!!!!

You are in the conscious creative seat with this incredible new moon magic energy shining through the window right on you, you have the pen in your hand and the next chapter to write. This is your book of this lifetime. You are the author of this story and there are no guidelines or rules to follow.

Spend some time sitting quietly thinking about what you're going to write.

What do you want this next chapter to be about?

Drama? Love? Business? Adventure? Healing?

All of the above??

Write it down - spelling is so powerful under this alignment.

Write in detail, exactly what you want, exactly how you want your future life to play out. Every written word will hold so much power.

This week tribe you have the chance to make a brave new start on so many levels in so many ways.

Finally breaking the old shackles of the past, stepping from pessimism to optimism, from loneliness to love, from fear to faith, from sadness to joy, from illness to wellness.

You can seriously break through barriers that may have stood in your way for a very long time.

Be brave step outside your comfort zone, write the new chapter to be as amazing as you deserve it to be.

This new moon shares the magic of manifestation for everyone and the alignments that support and follow this new moon make it a truly powerful week of conscious creation.

Your thoughts, words, and actions matter this week, please only look forward, that's the way we are going.

Love and Blessings,




Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"Meditation is where we listen. Meditation is just quieting the mind. How you do this is totally up to you. When the mind is quiet, we can listen to the words of our deep wisdom."

If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.

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