November Is Hot
5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2023

Welcome November. You are hot as!!!
Boom shaka laka baby the heat is rising through this month to insane levels, so our work will be to stay grounded, cool, and calm. We need to take all the gifts this time wants to bring to us and avoid getting caught in old lessons, drama, and fights we don't need to repeat again.
Throughout this month the energy could feel supercharged, we will need to release that charge daily in healthy ways. Sex, drugs, and rock n roll may be? Or run, gym, and sex maybe? Or all the above? Although mind-altering substances should be avoided at this time while the energy is so hot and erratic.
We will need to work on balance all month. Staying calm will involve letting off steam and there are so many ways to do that. Bathroom, bedroom, garden, gym - you feel me? Gotta love it's Scorpio season :)
Moving on… We are playing with the lunar eclipse hand until the new moon on the 13th. The wild cards will keep being dealt my friends, so if the endings and new beginnings keep coming, don't be surprised.

Remember eclipses always put us where we need to be, even if it may not feel like that to begin with. Please be patient with yourself and others and tread gently through this process.
This week we have so much going on in the cosmic weather, my advice is, everyday choose who you want to be regardless of the weather.
Show up as your best self, wear your nice clothes and put a smile on your face. Look after yourself, meet your needs, and look where you are going.
Find gratitude everyday and remember everyone is just doing their best with the awareness and tools they have.
Love you,
Sarah xXx
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"You have so much to be grateful for. Your life is abundant beyond measure. Make a list of all things that you are grateful for, and allow yourself to sit in that feeling of gratitude for a moment." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.