The End
22 - 28 DECEMBER 2024
As 2024 draws to a close, we are invited to reflect, release, and realign ourselves in completely new ways. The cosmic weather this year has set the stage for significant transformation and growth. It has not been an easy year but the lessons learnt and the insight gained has been so worth it.
The coming weeks will fly by, take time to slow down and be present in the moment. Your presence is the ultimate gift to your loved ones. Stay with your practice and don't get lost. Check in with yourself regularly. Journal, vision board, set intentions, breath, meditate, dance, go out in nature, walk bare foot, get excited about creating your future.
DO NOT - Be coerced and mesmerized into seasonal consumerism where you will be encouraged to spend more money you don’t have on more stuff you don’t need. Where you will be tempted to eat more food than your mind and body can digest and escape into a world you don't even like to visit, especially these days.
Self love or self loath is a choice you will make each day. You know what feels better and you know how this works.
Focus for the next few weeks 🙏
Reflection and Closure: The next few weeks are ideal for introspection and tying up loose ends. Reflect on lessons learned throughout the year and identify areas where growth has occurred. Undo, unhook, untie and unravel yourself from whatever belongs to the old.
Emotional Renewal: Emotional depth and healing is now available for us all. Use this time to strengthen bonds with loved ones and resolve lingering emotional conflicts. Spend time doing things that soothe you.
Manifestation and Vision: We are in the most powerful time to dream and plan for the future. Align your aspirations with your values to set the tone for the new year.
Grounding and Practicality: The energy is shifting us toward discipline and focus. This is the perfect time to solidify our plans and build a strong foundation for the year ahead.
You have a blank canvas to work from, from the 31st, until then draft and sketch, play and plan.
On the 31st of December, we have the last new moon of the year and from here on the road is new. Remember that every ending is a new beginning.
Lets embrace the lessons of this year, step into the new year with clarity, purpose, resilience and a big dream, oh and a big smile.
I'm checking out for a few weeks now for a few weeks and will be back early next year.
Happy holidays and thank you for being on this page with me. I feel very blessed to have you here.
Love you,
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.
Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"If you don't look after you, no one else will. Please look after you. What does self-care mean to you? Do something today to care for you!" If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.