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This Week Is the Turning Point

17-23 SEPTEMBER 2023

This week we face one of the biggest turning points of the year. The Equinox is upon us and the shift in energy will be felt on many levels.

Depending on where you are on earth a shift is happening. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are moving into the season of autumn, a time we begin the journey within, into the darkness. In the Southern Hemisphere, we are moving into the season of spring, the season of rebirthing new light to our external world. This shift is considered one of the great turning points of the year.

The earth's energy has a reset at the equinox point. There is a moment of equal light and dark before the shift into the new direction happens. This is also happening as the sun moves into Libra, which is represented by the scales and is the season of balance, making this equinox super potent and powerful.

The Equinox has been celebrated forever and it is thought the veil between frequencies and dimensions is thin at this time. I believe there is a shift in the earth's energy grid at the equinox. There is a total reset and a new level of balance and harmony is created.

My advice, tune into this beautiful healing and nurturing energy by grounding to the earth this week and getting out as much as you can in nature.

Walk in the forest, swim in the ocean, hug a tree, roll in the grass, whatever is possible for you make the effort, please.

This is the perfect week to also beautify yourself and your life - what can you do? This is the best time to sow new seeds and set your seasons' intentions.

What will you create in the next three months? Who will you be at the end of this season?

Please know Mother Earth is listening to your needs this week and will support you.

Happy Equinox

Love you,

Sarah xXx

If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"Go and spend some time in nature today. Nature is a wonderful place to recharge and connect with pure energy. Take off your shoes and feel the earth beneath your feet. Listen to the sounds of nature around you." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.

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