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My Amazing Tribe, The cosmic environment has been full-on and as we move through the last week of August you may be feeling or have felt seriously exhausted and overwhelmed with it all! I must say even I had to chill a bit last week and went for a few walks instead of runs and opted for some stretching overweight training! I've learned adapting to the environment is a key to our happiness, the difference between pushing sh!t up a hill or flowing in sync down the river. So if you have been feeling overwhelmed and tired please know you're not alone and it's the result of riding some big waves of recent times..! Allow yourself to rest and recover when you need to and be kind to your beautiful self. As we walk into September mid-week there is a shift of energy so please chill while you want to. We will begin to feel more motivated again and in the mood to get super organised.

My advice for September starting this week

  1. Tidy up your environment - including your home, garden, workplace, car.

  2. Clean up your diet - healthy eating and drinking.

  3. Create a healthy daily routine - including exercise, meditation, gratitude.

  4. Relationship Cleanse - let go of toxic relationships.

September is a great time to find clarity in our lives and give our routines some solid structure. We will do really well if we focus on organization, wellness, and refining the details of our routines and thankfully we will have the energy to do so.

This is the ideal time to do a clean-up on all levels, clear away the clutter that’s messing with your mind. Sweep the dust out of every corner of your life so that you can truly sparkle.

Have an amazing week,

Love you xxx



Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;


"Allow truth to free your perspective from inhibiting influences. Clarity is about to shine on an area of your life that is troubling you. Sit tight - clarity is on your doorstep. If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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