We Are in a Great Place Now
13 - 20 NOVEMBER 2022
Hello Fam,
This week is a real mixture between taking a breath and letting the crazy eclipse dust settle and getting to work on the new path. The last six weeks have been a whirlwind, the eclipse season was even more twisted than I thought it would be.
The eclipse season is over now but the energy will take a bit to process in the places it needs to. Take things one step at a time please and avoid rash decisions. So much has changed and you may be feeling like you want to run at the new but please note slow and steady wins this race and Rome wasn't built in a day.
Remember too, we are deep in Scorpio waters right now so we are being asked to go and explore the depths of everything including what makes you tick!
To conclude it feels like we are in a great place tribe, the eclipse season did its thing and exposed what needed to change, where we are at, who we are (warts n all for some), and actually gave us a lot of guidance and insight to the path ahead, who we are walking with and who will walk next to us.
Not sure about you but I feel very different now, there is clarity that wasn't there before and a new level of awareness and connection.
Walking through Scorpio is amazing from this new space. Rather than feeling lost and questioning ourselves and our passions it should-could hopefully feel exciting and like... OMG, what's my passion, what motivates me, what shall I do more of...!
Stay grounded
Stay focused
Stay sharp
Love you,
Sarah xxx
If you would like to receive some more guidance about this week's energy, watch my Weekly Cosmic Forecast below.
Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Positive Expectation
"Expect a positive outcome and you will receive a positive outcome. Let nothing sway you. It's all good." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.