JUNE you Crazy Intense Mother F@#kor !!!!

Yep, up down and around we go…. this theme is not changing…it's the time of now… but we are changing.
Changing how we look at things. Changing how we deal with things.
There is so much opportunity now for us to grow now, it's truely amazing.
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change, is definitely the quote of this month.
Stay focused where you want to go and you will start to see lots of progress in areas you felt stuck.
Things are moving and you will feel this movement.
be fearless with the changes…You asked for them !!!
We have some big astro events this month.
The full moon falls on June 9th this is going to be a super great day …mark it in your diary. This full moon is in Sagittarius and it may have you craving adventure.
June 16th is going to be a weird day… watch out for this date.
The new moon falls on June 24th this is another super new moon and with 4 planets in cancer, home, family, security and comfort are going to be top priority. A nice time here to nuture and support yourself and others.
I've chosen to work our energy meditation evenings this month at the time of the Winter Equinox.
Brisbane 20th for the eve of the Equinox and Sunshine Coast on the 21st.
This time is soo Powerful.
Please don’t miss out this month on these.
The winter Equinox here in Australia is a time of awakening to new goals and leaving old regrets behind for good. It is when the Sun is at its furthest north for the year. The day on which it falls is the shortest day of the year. Note though that the change in the length of daylight from day to day is initially only a few seconds and is not noticeable.
The energy available to us at this time is intense to say the least!!!! We will be birthing the New, out of the fullness of the Dark and Emptiness.
Lets do this …Lets get in there and connect with that new light available.
June Events Child Light classes + Sista Circle Tuesday 6th June

June Meditation & Energy Evenings

Reiki Course Enrol Here

Things that are Coming up....

European Tour Click Here For Info! Bali Retreat Click here for info!

Numbers are getting there for the Bali Retreat if your quietly keen let me know so you don’t miss out …
It will be an incredible journey in every way. Jet star is having a sale on flights to bali!! https://booking.jetstar.com/au/en/booking/select-flights Flights coming in at $323 return!!!
Love always,
Sarah xXx