Weekly Enlightenment 18.9.17

But, lets not stress too much about this week coming up, rather think of it as a great week to clear things up before the Equinox at the weekend!
Whats in store...Getting over the overwhelming feelings and doing what you know, needs to be done. Make the calls, get the jobs done on that level.
On a deeper level, let go of everything that doesn't feel ok, yes it can be complicated but you know deep inside what is right for you, listen to your heart... If you have to think to much about it, or it feels too hard this week...its probably not in alignment with you any more, so be fearless and let go, watch for the signs too from the universe.
Its actions not words that count now.
In saying all that, I don't feel the shifts will really come and take full effect untill after this Equinox.
Yes everything comes together the next week as a result of this weeks happenings.
Remember there is no good or bad, that is just an opinion...Things are working out perfectly.
On a positive note, we have a New moon in virgo on Wednesday helping us to get organised and on top of all our dealings.
We are coming in to real harvest time soon.We have planted the seeds and now we are hopefully allowing them to grow, ready for harvest, which will be here sooo soon.
If things feel a bit much this week, just keep focused on the big picture..What you truely want and where you really want to go.
On the weekend the new light arrives wth this super powerful Equinox and this week ....It will be just a memory.
Super excited to be working in the energy of this Equinox, I feel like we are all going to really need this connection and alignment.
See you soon.
Sarah XxX