Weekly Enlightenment 19.3.18

Will you except this mission?
You will be expected to devote all your time and attention to serving yourself, leaving behind all stories and excuses from your past.
You will be expected to do what it takes, put in the work, to take you to your next destination.
You know you can complete this mission, but will you take it?
The mission is…
Mission excepted????
Big week coming up with the Equinox on the 20th/21st and new Astrological year starts on the 21st.
The equinox is a balance of day and night, light and dark.
Use this energy to bring back balance in to your life, in whatever area it is needed.
With the new year energy behind you this is a great week to detox, give up old addictions and start a new healthy plan. This energy will totally support you.
Mercury goes retro this week 22 March to 15 April - Don't assume everything goes wrong during Mercury retrograde - It's just a planetary alignment that will help you look in certain areas of your life maybe they need looking at.
Have a great week,
Looking forward to connecting in Sydney this week…
If your about- don't miss out.
All details in Events and on the website www.leaderinlight.com
Love always,
Sarah xXx