Hey Tribe, White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits- Can you believe it's march already!!!
What a MASSIVE month we have again… Yes Tribe, March is going to be a month we remember.
Important dates this month: 2nd - Full moon in Virgo 6th Sarah Louise Event - SC 13th Sarah Louise Event -BRIS 17th New Moon in Pisces 20th Sarah Louise Event- SYD 21st - Autumn Equinox 22nd Mercury goes retrograde 27th Sarah Louise Event -MLB 31st Full moon- SUPER MOON That’s pretty intense!!! Check this out too : 2nd - Full moon in Virgo occurs at 11 degress. 17th New Moon in Pisces falls at 11:11 Remember this is an 11 year and 11 is the number that is DEEP on all levels. Number 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers as it symbolises the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, illumination, visionary, enthusiasm, creative/creativity, self-expression. Number 11 tells us to connect with our higher-selves and this month I don't think we get a choice, the universe will drive us! Funny to (or may be not so funny) March is numerology 3 and 3 is the number of communication and expression and we have mercury going retrograde...Mercury is the planet of communication this may cause some weird communication from the 22nd ...lucky its the end of the month!!! Remember that we have an amazing window with us until 17th March, thats all planets moving forward with us. This provides Clear thinking and total universal support of moving forward. I feel this month there will be a lot of focus too on Love and Relationships. This will be kicked off straight away with the Full moon, and then the energy of mercury retrograde will add more flavour. My Advice this month. Listen to your gut Chill out rather than criticise Observe dont judge Act don't react Hang with those that pull you up rather than push you down Pay attention to what is happen around you - Learn Love or lust - choose wisely Listen to what people or saying or not saying Rest - Sleep This is soul time - Soul time comes from living in the now UNIVERSE GUIDED LIVING IN FREEDOM IN CONNECTION IN LOVE. Not ego time - Ego comes from living in the past, projecting in to the future, completely dependent on what has happened in the past and translating that to what may happen in the future TOTALLY BASED ON FEAR AND WORRY. This is a year to rise up and create and manifest on that next level. You are in total control and only emotions could hold you back now, if you allow them. Note the energy may not always be easy, but …on the other side is everything you want! So in my eyes this is an amazing year and one that we will remember for a long time to come. Guys, this year...Its a life changer...! MARCH - Inspire Create Energy Align Sessions This month I will be.... 6th March– Sunshine Coast 13th March – Brisbane 20th March – Sydney 27th March – Melbourne I also have bookings available for private sessions in each city. Private Bookings here. There is also Skype/ face time bookings available for those international clients and who can't make a city. Skype Bookings here. What a massive month…A massive year...A massive life…If you want it to be.. and you let it be. I will delve a little more in to each weeks energy on Face book live on a Monday so tune in with me there. We are all in this together.
Love always and forever,
Sarah xXx