27 FEBRUARY - 5 MARCH 2022

We enter a new month this week and we will be marching through March that's for sure!
March is the only month of 2022 where we don't have any major planets in retrograde. This creates so much fast forward-moving energy that can help us push past our old limits and fears and take courageous action steps on the things that we really want to do and towards the things we really want to create.
Hear me when I say we are in a potent time for the next few weeks and we would be silly not to use this time to our advantage.
We also have an amazing new moon in Pisces early this week which is so magical and wants us to get manifest our best life. It is definitely a busy cosmic week coming up but a good busy one where we have the energy to really get sh#t done.
My advice this week -
Start new projects
Do what you have been thinking about doing
Take that next step
Take action on your dreams and desires
Start living the new chapter of your life
Meditate on living your best life
Forget your excuses
Leave the old story behind you
Leave any outworn relationships
Stop with the funky relationship dynamics
Smile life is an amazing adventure.
Have an amazing week xxx
I love you,

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
Dream Big
"Let go of your limited thinking and start dreaming bigger and better." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.