17 - 23 OCTOBER 2021

We have a huge cosmic week coming up with a highly volatile full moon in Aries mid-week. You're going to have to stay super conscious and aware of your behavior to avoid any drama, any temper tantrums, or fights.
This full moon is super dynamic and is going to trigger a lot of change over the next few months. I feel like this full moon will set fire to a lot of what has been hidden to us. New awareness and truths will become seen after the light of the full moon peaks and these new insights will continue to shine well into next month. I feel like this full moon energy is massive and sets a new tone for the rest of the year actually. So get ready we are reaching a tipping point that's what you're feeling in the air and it's a great thing, you have nothing to fear.
Sleep may be an issue with this week's alignments, remember we are not good when we are tired so be aware.
My Advice-
Please watch your anger this week drop into peace when you need to,
If you feel yourself becoming charged,
Close your eyes and breathe in peace.
Remember -
How you start your days' matters
The words you say matter
The thoughts you think matter
You are in charge of your emotions, you are in control of how you feel on a daily basis, yes you can control your emotions!!! But... It takes work and a desire, especially under the current conditions.
You have a choice, if you want to be happy and live a happy life or not?
If you want to be happy you must take responsibility for yourself, you have to rise up above your blame and defenses and excuses and be the leader in your life, in control of your thoughts words actions and beliefs, and behavior. The powerful master of your destiny, the conscious creator- Which is actually what you are. Have an amazing week, Love Sarah See you live online under the energy of the full moon- live online event.
We have a new retreat on the Sunny Coast next year and a couple of spaces available - Awaken the magic 2022 will be epic.

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"Hold clear in your mind a vision of what it is that you want to attract and manifest into your life. Let nothing distort that vision. Stay clear and keep focused." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.