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24 - 30 OCTOBER 2021

Welcome to the Scorpio season tribe and what an immense season it will be.

Luckily we are only entering week 1 and it's a progressive build of energy that will have monumental peaks especially at the new moon on the 4th of November and during eclipse season starting on the 19th.

We are entering a super deep time where we will experience some intense awakenings and can expect repressed energies to come forward and make themselves heard. I feel like no stones will be left unturned over the next six weeks.

So tribe,

Get ready to receive an invitation to look at some of your deepest fears and blocks that are getting in the way of your personal transformation and evolution.

Scorpios like to go deep and they don't stop and never give up. This time will remind you the only way out is through. You may experience some growing pains but that's ok you barely notice them these days. If you keep stepping up and facing the shadow you will transform in ways you never knew possible.

We have the opportunity to dive deep in the fire and rise up like the phoenix but first, we must go underground into the darkness to allow aspects of ourselves to die in order to rebirth.

We have an opportunity to turn our wounds and traumas of the past into new strength, wisdom, and beauty. We have an opportunity to step into the highest level of evolution and consciousness as yet if we choose to.

This is exciting and this Scorpio chick is going to be with you every step of the way, you have nothing to fear, trust the you that is emerging is more powerful and incredible than you could ever imagine xxxx

We have a new retreat on the Sunny Coast next year and a couple of spaces available - Awaken the magic 2022 will be epic.


Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;

Trust Yourself

"Listen to yourself at this time - don't listen to the opinions of others. This is the time to go within and listen to your inner voice. You have all of the answers to your questions, all you've got to do is go within and listen." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.


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