The Winds of Change
23-29 JANUARY 2022

There are radical winds of change blowing through the entire world delivering shocks, deep awakenings and major changes for many.
The old ways are crumbling at a rapid pace. The option of keeping one foot in the old and just dipping one toe in the new is over.
The world is changing rapidly each day and so can you. Everyday will present you with an opportunity to grow.
It's time to feel valued, worthy, safe and secure. Can you let go of your old outdated phobias, outdated beliefs, fears and traumas to allow this shift to happen?
Will you stand up for the new you, for what you believe, deserve and desire or will you be held down by your old past fears, traumas and chains?
I pray that you walk your own sacred path with courage and conviction.
I pray that you trust yourself over anything and anyone.
I pray that you live as unapologetically You.
I pray you see the beauty that you are.
I pray you enjoy this gift of life.
I pray you see the light.
I pray for you.
Big week, big life!
Love you
Sarah xXx

Here's a little guidance for the week ahead from The Transformation Deck;
"You are the Universe in ecstatic motion - remember you are amazing and perfect. You are worthy of your biggest dreams and more." If you would like to connect to your own inner guide and intuition, visit the Shop on my website to get your own deck today.